Friday, October 7, 2011

International Giveaway: Raven by Nuayma Jeggels

Well, readers, guess what? I told you there'd be more giveaways! Woo-hoo! BUT I cannot take credit for this one because the wonderful author of Raven (The Violet Jewel #1), Nuayma Jeggels, contacted me and asked if I could host a giveaway for her book! A book filled with epic fantasy and zombies! How great is that? Thank you Nuayma for allowing me to give 3 ebooks to my awesome readers! Lets get started:


1.) This is an international giveaway!
2.) 3 ebooks (your choice format) are up for grabs
3.) Contest ends October 21
4.) To enter, leave your email address in the comments :) That's it!
5.) will pick 3 winners whose email address will be forwarded to the author so she can ask them what format
Your probably chanting right now, "Show us the book! Show us the book!" Alright, here it is:

Follow Nuayma

A girl, a coma, a Plague, and an empty grave. When Shardaie wakes up, she doesn’t know who she is, why she can’t understand emotions, why she has been unconscious for nearly nine of her thirteen years, or why the dead just won’t stay dead. The only clue to her past is a locket, but the Plague, which finally stretches its unnatural hand to her village, forces her to leave and to learn to protect herself. But everything has a cost: the protection against the undead reveals a secret that Shardaie and her classmates just don’t want to accept, and at the end, Shardaie realises that some secrets shouldn’t be revealed. Secrets have the power to destroy, and the power to change her view on humanity for ever. - Goodreads

Want to read it? Just leave your email address below!
Thanks for reading and entering!
May be with you *snort* I know I'm lame :)


  1. Cool giveaway! I've never even heard of this book, and it sounds cool!

  2. Awesome! I love the cover!


Thank you for commenting! I read and appreciate every single one! I <3 to hear your thoughts so don't be afraid to say whats on your mind!!