Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Very First Giveaway!!

Hey everyone, first off I want to apologize for being absent other than posting reveiws. You know that thing called life? Well, it caught up with me and has dragged me down these past couple months. School, neices, and my dog getting bit up didn't help.... So, how to show I am truly sorry? A giveaway! Yup.... my first one ever! Here is the book I am going to giveaway:

"After her mom vanished in a stench of drugs and alcohol, Ruby continued to live in the family house alone. Finally found out, the introspective teenager is sent to the luxurious home of her older sister, Cora, whom she hadn't seen in ten years. Everything there seems unfamiliar, uncomfortable, and supremely weird: her fancy new room; her lavish new wardrobe; the exclusive private school where she never quite fits in. Most mysterious of all is Nate, the friendly boy next door who seems to have a deep secret of his own. "

-> To enter, leave a comment with your email address
-> Open to Canada/US (sorry international peeps!!)
-> Ends on May 31

That's it! Since I am far from a technical person, that's that. I will be selecting the winner by using Then I will email the winner for their address!

Much appreciated:

-> Follow (but only if you like my blog)
-> Please, please can you spread the word?? As many of you know, I do not get very many readers... thus to make this giveaway a giveaway by fairplay, I need at least some entries (Thanx so much!)

Info on the book:

Ok, this was my personal copy that I bought recently and I only read it once. Since I love to take care of my books, this one is in new like conditions. Basically its new. Just so you don't worry about getting a bad/bent/ripped copy cause it's not!

Well, that's about it. Thank you! for participating in my first giveaway ever!! It means so much. I'll have my review up for The False Princess in a few days, be sure to come back and read it!


  1. Sounds like a great read! I'll definitely spread the word. Thanks for sharing!
    havenera at gmail dot com

  2. Would love to read this one :) I'll Tweet the word!


  3. Also, if you join the book giveaway groups on Goodreads and post your link there you're sure to have more entries

  4. I would definitely like to read this book. Thanks for the giveaway and spreading the word on a good book!

    vanessanicole21 at yahoo dot com

  5. I'm a new follower! Thanks for the giveaway!


  6. I am following and this sounds great!!

  7. Sounds like a great book!


  8. Aw, sorry to hear life has been giving you a tough time lately. I hope things are getting better. :) I'll spread the word for you! I'll also keep an eye out for your False Princess review. I'm reading that book right now.

  9. Wooo whooo! Congrats on your first giveaway :) so happy for you! Still havent had time to pick up a Sarah Dessen book, maybe I'll get lucky and win this one *crosses fingers*

    ps. thanks so much for the heads up! And I will make sure and spread the word on twitter!

  10. Congrats on your first giveaway! Glad to be a new follower :) Love your blog lay out :)

  11. Oooh I've never read Sarah Dessen before (I know!). Thanks for the giveaway!


  12. Thanks for the gift. I will share your blog with my friends on shelfari and FB.

  13. I love Sarah Dessen such a great author!

    unforgetable_dreamer_always (at) hotmail (dot) com

  14. Thanks for the great giveaway!


  15. Sounds like a good book, would love to read it :) I'm a sucker for any kind of love story!

  16. Sounds good, I really want to try a Sarah Dessen book!

  17. Sorry to hear you've been having a tough time of it lately! Here's to things getting better!
    Can you believe I've never read a Sarah Dessen book before?! I'm kind of embarrassed by that fact. Anyways, I would love to be entered for the giveaway. I also added your contest to my blog sidebar.

  18. Hey I'm a new follower. ^_^ By the way thanks for hosting such an awesome giveaway. I'll be sure to tweet it so more people know about it. :)


Thank you for commenting! I read and appreciate every single one! I <3 to hear your thoughts so don't be afraid to say whats on your mind!!