Stacking the Shelves is a meme created/hosted by the lovely Tynga @ Tynga's Reviews! (All credit goes to her for this meme.) If you want to participate click on the link! The more the merrier! It's a chance to showcase titles that arrived in the mail or for review... any book goodies over the past week (or weeks for me)
Offered by Pulse It
(click on cover to see it's Goodread's synopsis)
I have a really good feeling about this book... It seems to have a unique and interesting premise. The cover and synopsis scream dystopia which excites me to no end - I am desperately looking for a good futuristic world to get lost in. Plus, is there promise of a romance (I'm presuming here)? Yes, please! I hope to get to it soon!!
'Nuff about me. What did YOU lovelies get? Leave LINKS to your post and I'll visit. Thanks for reading...