By Anthea Sharp
Expected publication: December 16th 2011
Source: Ebook review copy (thanks Ms. Sharp!)
320 pages
Feyland is the most immersive computer game ever designed, and Jennet Carter is the first to play the prototype. But she doesn’t suspect the virtual world is close enough to touch — or that she’ll be battling for her life against the Dark Queen of the faeries.
Tam Linn is the perfect hero — in-game. Too bad the rest of his life is seriously flawed. The last thing he needs is rich-girl Jennet prying into his secrets, insisting he’s the only one who can help her.
Together, Jennet and Tam enter the Dark Realm of Feyland, only to discover that the entire human world is in danger. Pushed to the limit of their abilities, they must defeat the Dark Queen… before it’s too late." - Goodreads
Wow. This is one of those books that goes to show, even if they aren't published in the general market (big name publishers), they can be wickedly awesome and that the quality can still be there! It also goes to show never to judge a book by its cover! The story behind this one had me glued to it!
We read the story through two POV's. Jennet's and Tam's. I loved how it rotated between them (my favourite was Tam's POV). It gave different perspectives to the unfolding events. It also allowed the reader, especially myself, to connect to the two main characters. They started to become 'fleshed out' and formed in my mind a real person. I felt attached to them and I didn't want anything bad to happen because I feared for them. The secondary characters, although not as detailed, played their part. It was nice to have them around in the story and sometimes the played critical roles (like Thomas). Jennet isn't your typical 'rich girl' and I liked that the author didn't maker her 'cliche'. And I think everyone will like Tam. He is not -swoon- but I think that he is a really strong person. He had to deal with a lot and I loved, loved, how he took care of his family and Jennet!
The MC's were no doubt great but I have to admit....the plot is what did it for me (although I don't usually read this genre). I don't know why, or rather what, kept me reading as such. I've tried to pin-point it. But all I can say is that once I started reading, I-could-not-stop. Yes it was addictive and kept me up till the wee hours. The writing was very descriptive and I loved the different ways the author portrayed things. There was only one thing that I would change. Here it comes - the nit picker in me. I started to hate the constant repetition of how 'Tam's hair covered his eyes' and how 'pale' Jennets hair was. I mean seriously it started to bother me. Other than that - nothing I can think of that I didn't like. This is a stand-alone and I was so relieved because I was nervous that I wouldn't find out how it would end!
Overall, I think that this book won't get as much recognition as it should. I think lovers of fantasy, faeries, sci-fi, dystopian, and a 'hint of romance' will love this! Great work Ms. Sharp!
He swished the sword through the air a few times, and the re-sheathed it. His shield had immediately appeared, strapped to his left arm, as soon as his weapon was drawn.
She cocked her head and examined him a moment. "Hey, I didn't know you had green eyes. Your hair is always in your face, you know."
"Huh. I thought I chose blue." Hadn't he? He was sure of it.
"Well, the game still has some bugs. You could say it has a mind of its own." She laughed again, but there was a forced edge to it. "Ready to quest? As soon as we step out of the fairy ring, the creatures of the world will be able to interact with us. The starting lands are pretty easy to handle, though. And you'll pick it up quickly, I'm sure."
"Great. Let's go."
2nd awesome review I read for FEYLAND. Gosh, I need to hurry up and start it!