Saturday, December 1, 2012

Review for Amy and Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson

Amy & Roger's Epic DetourAmy and Roger's Epic Detour
By Morgan Matson
Published by Simon & Schuster Books
Bought Paperback
368 pages

"Amy Curry thinks her life sucks. Her mom decides to move from California to Connecticut to start anew--just in time for Amy's senior year. Her dad recently died in a car accident. So Amy embarks on a road trip to escape from it all, driving cross-country from the home she's always known toward her new life. Joining Amy on the road trip is Roger, the son of Amy's mother's old friend. Amy hasn’t seen him in years, and she is less than thrilled to be driving across the country with a guy she barely knows. So she's surprised to find that she is developing a crush on him. At the same time, she’s coming to terms with her father’s death and how to put her own life back together after the accident. " - Goodreads
 Amy and Roger's Epic Detour was absolutely epic. The way the story was presented was perfect to showcase the character's development and the unforgettable journey both teenagers had. No doubt, Amy and Roger's Epic Detour would make a wonderful summer read.

Of course being the out-of-sync person that I am, I ended up reading it during winter. Still, this tale of two strangers was enough to warm me up! I admit, at first I didn't quite like Amy. I'm not sure why but I assure you, soon she became a great narrator. To say the least, she was relatible and I enjoyed seeing her reactions to sometimes awkward situations. Roger was utterly charming and just thinking about him makes me grin. At the beginning of the trip, they are strangers and I was so satisfied at how their relationship - first as friends - grew and developed. It was realistic and heartwarming. As soon as the detour begins, adventure sets in. The fact that they both had not seen much outside of California had great potential for memorable scenes. By the end of their trip together, they had both wrestled with what was holding them down and the reader can feel how they have grown as people. The friendships they fix and the people they meet along the way add to their dynamic. On a side note, I loved the part where Amy talks with her brother - wow, it was so heartwarming!

The places they go and the experiences they have made me want to pack up and take a road trip! The receipts, pictures, postcards, clippings, playlists, and doodles added so much to the experience of reading. It was like I was along for the ride. The scenery was brought out by the descriptive writing and the mystery in the background had me wondering. Yes, mystery. This may be a small thing but I noticed how the author kept off telling us what exactly happened. During the road trip, we see glimpses of what happened and so forth but not the whole story. It had me eagerly awaiting the part where we found out how the accident occured! That also brings me to mention the flashbacks; they really created a deeper story because of all the background information.

I'd highly recommend Amy and Roger's Epic Detour to those who enjoy roadtrips, cool music references, unhealthy snacks, and a brilliantly portrayed growing friendship! Trust me, you can read this any time of the year and have a completely epic time!

Yosemite Hike-u
Led by Ranger Carl

This is so stupid
Haikus are so very dumb.
Plus, getting blister.
- Amelia E. Curry
You were the one who
wanted to go on the hike 
Of Half Dome, 'member?
-Roger H. Sullivan
That was before I
Read the fine print, which was
very, very, very, very, very scary.
Amy, I don't think
Haiku are supposed to rhyme
Or repeat same words.
- R.H.S.
Is the plural of
Haiku really haiku, Rog?
I doubt it somehow.
Like mice, like moose, like
Aircraft, plural is the same.
And "Rog"? Stretching it, "Ame."
Book Trailer

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this book! If it makes you feel any better I'm pretty sure I read this in the spring/winter time too last year and I'm about to read Morgan Matson's latest book Second Chance Summer and it is most definitely winter. Haha. :P


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