By Hannah Harrington
Expected publication: November 22nd 2011 by Harlequin
Source: ARC from NetGalley
336 pages
"Harper Scott’s older sister has always been the perfect one so when June takes her own life a week before her high school graduation, sixteen-year-old Harper is devastated. Everyone’s sorry, but no one can explain why.
When her divorcing parents decide to split her sister’s ashes into his-and-her urns, Harper takes matters into her own hands. She’ll steal the ashes and drive cross-country with her best friend, Laney, to the one place June always dreamed of going California.
Enter Jake Tolan. He’s a boy with a bad attitude, a classic-rock obsession and nothing in common with Harper’s sister. But Jake had a connection with June, and when he insists on joining them, Harper’s just desperate enough to let him. With his alternately charming and infuriating demeanour and his belief that music can see you through anything, he might be exactly what she needs.
Except June wasn’t the only one hiding something. Jake’s keeping a secret that has the power to turn Harper’s life upside down again"-Goodreads
I had the chance to check out the reviews on Goodreads for this and apparently I'm an odd ball. Everyone else loved it to bits. So, chances are if you pick this up, you'll like (if you like contemporary and emotional books).
Harper Scott. Harper Scott. Where should I start? I didn't hate her. But I didn't connect or feel anything towards her. I was confused by her feelings; of course, she is bound to have a roller coaster of emotions but I just couldn't get a sense of who she was. I didn't get anything to work with. She's angry, disappointed, depressed, hating her sister one minute and consumed with love for her the next. Then her actions where contradicting too. And some things she said got really repeptive. Maybe I just wasn't in the mood for a depressed character. Jake was interesting. I couldn't figure him out too much but its basically the bad-boy-isn't-so-bad-after-all deal. I liked him but I didn't fall on my face love him. He provided the needed support for Harper though and some of the things he did really touched my heart. Laney is a pretty cool best friend, she has her downfalls and isn't always perfect and that's what I enjoyed. She really cares about Harper and would do anything for her. Even though June is dead we still get to read a bit about her and from what I gleamed I liked her and I was really sad at what she did.
The plot although not slow did lag a bit for me. Some parts I was so gripped to and couldn't tear myself away but others I just didn't have an urge to finish. I loved the road trip aspect of this book and oh my the music! That's what saved this book for me... the music selection was amazing! I have a warning to those potential readers though (not about music) this book I found was quite preachy *cough*Aunt Helen*cough* and had lots of swearing. This is more of a downer book and I guess I just wasn't in the mood for this.
I would recommend it to readers who like emotional reads that deal with suicide, romance, and deep books. I didn't enjoy it as much as I wanted to but I know most other people will.
I loved June. I still love her, and that will never change, but for the first time in my life, I truly, truly don't want to be her. I don't want to be so scared all the time. So alone. I want to believe something can be worth it. Worth the pain. Worth the risk.
Deciding to kiss Jake is like standing on the edge of a pool, staring down and wanting to take the leap, but fearing how cold the water will be.
I hold my breath and jump.